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Integrated Office Systems


V-Systems Inc.

VSI*FAX is an external, automated, UNIX facsimile system. The VSI*FAXfamily of products includes FxServer, the core facsimile schedulingsystem; and FxScript and FxVision, two optional products. With FxServer,users can exchange FAX documents between the multi-user host and standardFAX machines worldwide. UNIX computer files are converted to Group IIIFAX images, and scheduled for transmission by FxServer through a serialFAX modem. Received FAXes are stored on disk, where they can be viewedand displayed on a VGA or X Window System console or printed to a laserprinter. FxScript is an optional software module that convertsPostScript documents into graphics files, suitable for transmission withthe VSI*FAX FxServer System. FxVision is a powerful, icon-based toolwith which the individual FAX recipient can view incoming FAXes in the XWindow System environment.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.3,2.4 Solaris x86 2.1,2.4

V-Systems Inc.
32232 Paseo Adelanto Ste 100
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Phone: (714) 489-8778
        (800) 556-4874
Fax: (714) 489-2486